An ingenious design for this multi-functional tool that all dog owners should have in their home.
Clients regularly hear me speak about the benefits of dog gates. Perhaps you have a multi-dog household and need occasional segregation. Some clients have a dog that needs down time or a dog free space for their family now and again. I’ve written a blog about dogs who anticipate Satan or Santa at the door, who need help managing their behaviour when the doorbell rings. In any case, a dog gate is an invaluable piece of equipment with huge advantages and I encourage all dog owners to consider one.
We’ve used dog gates for years and I genuinely can’t ever imagine our dog owning household without one. However, they’re unsightly and they can get in the way if you’re squeezing through carrying something cumbersome or trying to get through the gate with keen and eager kids or dogs (or both) at your heels. They can be a trip hazard for folk with limited mobility or for wheelchair or pram users.

Enter the Dog-G8! Unlike standard dog gates, it’s compact and neat and when you’re not using it, it folds completely back so doesn’t hinder access like a traditional baby or dog gate would. Its clever, versitile design means you can easily attach it to your front door, internal doors or stairway without needing multiple gates around your home. Each location just needs easy-to-fit wall brackets. It can be shortened and lengthen by using additional pieces so it fits even the most awkward gaps, especially helpful in dividing open plan areas.
Here’s a quick list of suggestions of how the Dog G8 could help with training and management of your furry friends and make life at home more stress free.
- Do you have a young dog in training? Leave a Tupperware container outside the door with a sign asking post and delivery people to drop or toss food to your puppy when the front door opens. Behind the Dog-G8, he’s safe from rushing out. He learns to sit, not jump up and learns delivery people are good, not scary so builds positive social skills early on.

- Do you have a dog who gets overly excited, scared or aggressive when people come to your door? Pop them behind the Dog-G8, attached to a nearby adjoining door so they can see but not have access to your front door. This allows you to deliver high value food at a safe distance, helping your pooch to learn that people approaching the front door means food, not fuss.
- Barrier training works wonders for helping dogs learn certain rooms are off limits, especially at specific times of day. Use the Dog-G8 during meal preparation in the kitchen, safely keeping dogs from the dangers of being under your feet whilst cooking. Pop your pooch behind the Dog-G8 during mealtimes. This avoids having to put up with or re-train against begging at the table. While keeping your dog out physically, they still have your company socially, so far less stressful for sensitive dogs or those who dislike being shut in another room.
- If you don’t want your dogs to have access to your garden on a sunny day, but still want the back doors open, the G8 means fresh air gets in while keeping you dog safely indoors.

- Welcoming a new family member (human or animal)? It’s always advised that introductions are done carefully and full contact is avoided until the novelty of the new arrival has worn off. Having the Dog-G8 set up means supervised access is possible with safe separation available any time it’s needed. Each party can observe, smell and hear each other through this clever dog gate design, while minimising stress and risk should either feel anxious.
- Want to limit access to upstairs without blocking your stairway with a cumbersome baby gate which poses a trip hazard? The Dog-G8 is the perfect solution for occasional use on stairways such as keeping your dog downstairs at night, or when guests are staying.

A lot of thought has gone into the design of the Dog-G8 and as such, it’s a nifty, user friendly tool which would be an asset in all homes with dogs. It’s slightly more expensive than your standard dog gate but it does so much more. The versility of the Dog-G8 makes it well worth the money.
I suggest you decide which areas of the home you feel it would be most beneficial and buy additional brackets for maximum versatility of use. You’ll need a drill to install it but it’s not a difficult job and clear instructions come with the Dog-G8. For peace of mind, for safety and for a less stressful time with your dog, I cannot recommend this product enough.
If you’d like to find out more about the Dog-G8, check out their website dog-g8.com. It’s also available to buy on Amazon.