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Member Area > Muttamorphosis trained dog Sage lands role in CBBC kids drama The Dumping Ground.

Muttamorphosis trained dog Sage lands role in CBBC kids drama The Dumping Ground.

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Sage & I have been keeping a big secret for the past few months. I’m so excited to announce that Joy Boy Sage has been cast in BBC kids drama The Dumping Ground and will be part of Series 3, due to be aired January 2015.

I received a call last March, asking if I’d be happy for my dogs to be auditioned for a potential role in a BBC drama. Knowing no more than this, I brought Sage & Guinness to meet the programme producers and find out a bit more about what was required. It turns out Sage was what they were looking for and he was asked to join the cast of The Dumping Ground, with filming due to start over the Summer.

As part of the publicity for the new Dumping Ground dog, CBBC viewers were invited to suggest names for his character. Over 14,000 children posted online with suggestions. This list was narrowed down to 3 potential names by celebs Cel Spellman, Bill Turnbull and Ashleigh Butler.

The votes poured in and at the Newcastle/Gateshead CBBC Live Event on the quayside in May, the winning doggy character name was announced to the crowds, as ‘Mischief!’ Sage barked his approval from the stage and was interviewed for CBBC Newsround, again expressing his delight for the name choice.

Having already made his big screen debut earlier this year in the film, ‘Motley Mutts, The Rescue’, it’s so exciting that he will now be gracing the small screen also. Filming began in June, and Sage and his assistant (that’s me!) have been making regular appearances on set. We received scripts in advance and spent time training for his exciting new role. The story lines are fast and furious and promise plenty of drama, comedy and even a few tears.

As always my Joy Boy is promising to give 100% to his new role as The Dumping Ground dog. His rider includes extra tasty treats, a new tennis ball weekly and a comfy bed, with daily massages. Check in regularly here for updates on how we get on, how training is progressing and what fun we’re getting up to while filming.